Making Sense of Manliness is currently generating over 71,000 page-views per-month and growing rapidly (see screenshot below). The site is targeted towards men aged 30+ who are looking for manly advice about dating, relationships, health & fitness, personal finance, self-improvement, hobbies, skills men should know and more…
There are two main ways to advertise here. The first is via a banner ad in the right sidebar. Banners here are 125×125 pix in size with a maximum number of six 125×125 banners displayed. Banners in this area will be shown on every page load for the lifetime of the ad contract. The current price is $150 per banner ad per month…
The second way to advertise here is via a sponsored post. Meaning that you will send your product to be reviewed and a sponsored post fee of $250, and I will write an honest review of your product that will be posted on the site. The review will be live on the site for the lifetime of the blog.
As traffic increases so will pricing for both banner advertising and sponsored posts. Looking forward to working with you and growing
Please email me using the email form below if you have any questions and to get started advertising on Making Sense of Manliness…